18 July 2024
Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose): Meaning, Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits & Cautions

Swastikasana, also known as the Auspicious Pose, is a re vered yoga posture often utilized in meditation and pranayama practices. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a favored choice among yoga practitioners. This article explores the meaning and significance of Swastikasana, provides a step-by-step guide to practicing it, outlines its benefits, and highlights necessary precautions.

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10 July 2024
Vajrasana (Diamond Pose): Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits & Cautions

Vajrasana, also known as the Diamond Pose, is a fundamental yoga pose highly valued for its simplicity and effectiveness. This pose is particularly renowned for its benefits in meditation and digestion. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of Vajrasana, provide a detailed step-by-step guide for practicing it, and discuss its numerous benefits and necessary precautions.

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05 July 2024
Padmasana (Lotus Pose): Meaning, Step-by-Step Guide, Benefits & Cautions

Padmasana, commonly known as the Lotus Pose, is a fundamental yoga posture that is deeply embedded in meditation and pranayama practices. Recognized for its profound benefits in promoting physical stability and mental tranquility, Padmasana is often depicted in ancient sculptures and texts. This article delves into the meaning and significance of Padmasana, provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide for practicing it, outlines its myriad benefits, and highlights essential cautions.

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01 July 2024
Bhadrasana (Butterfly Pose): Benefits and How to Do It Correctly

Bhadrasana, also known as the Butterfly Pose, is a popular yoga pose celebrated for its simplicity and effectiveness. This hip-opening yoga pose is favored by both beginners and experienced practitioners for its numerous physical and mental benefits. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Bhadrasana and provide a step-by-step guide on how to practice it correctly.

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29 June 2024
Bandha: Meaning, Types, Benefits & Cautions

Bandhas, known as "energy locks," are a vital component of yoga practice. These powerful techniques help control and direct prana (life force energy) throughout the body. This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of Bandhas, explaining their meaning, different types, benefits, and necessary precautions. By understanding and incorporating Bandhas into your yoga practice, you can enhance both physical and spiritual well-being.

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28 June 2024
Mudras in Yoga: Understanding the Meaning & Benefits

Mudras, often referred to as "seals," "marks," or "gestures," are symbolic hand or body positions used in yoga and meditation practices. These powerful mudras hold significant importance in enhancing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on mudras, exploring their meanings, types, and benefits, and offering practical tips on how to incorporate them into your daily yoga practice.

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28 June 2024
Introduction to Shankh Prakshalan Kriya: Benefits and Precautions

Shankh Prakshalan Kriya is a powerful yogic cleansing technique known for its profound benefits in detoxification and digestive health. This ancient practice holds significant importance in yoga and holistic health, aiming to purify the body and mind. This article explores Shankh Prakshalan Kriya, detailing its benefits and necessary precautions for safe practice.

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27 June 2024
Understanding Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Steps, Benefits, and Cautions

Trikonasana, commonly known as the Triangle Pose, is a fundamental yoga posture recognized for its wide array of physical and mental benefits. This pose is a staple in many yoga practices due to its capacity to enhance flexibility, strength, and balance. This detailed guide will cover the steps to correctly perform Trikonasana, its benefits, and important cautions and modifications.

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26 June 2024
Introduction to Shatkarma: The Six Yogic Cleansing Techniques

Shatkarma, also known as Shatkriya, encompasses six fundamental cleansing techniques in yoga. These practices aim to purify the body and mind, playing a crucial role in Hatha Yoga. This article will provide an introduction to Shatkarma, exploring each technique, its benefits, and essential considerations for safe practice.

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25 June 2024
What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a meditative and therapeutic practice that focuses on long-held postures and deep stretches. With its increasing popularity, Yin Yoga offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of Yin Yoga, its benefits, and how it differs from other yoga styles. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll find valuable insights to enhance your practice.

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21 June 2024
Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Path to Holistic Well-being

The Eight Limbs of Yoga provide a comprehensive framework for living a balanced and fulfilling life. These principles, outlined in the ancient Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, guide practitioners in their journey towards holistic well-being. This article delves into each of the Eight Limbs, explaining their significance and how they contribute to overall wellness.

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20 June 2024
Hatha Yoga vs. Vinyasa Yoga: Understanding the Differences

Yoga has become immensely popular worldwide, offering a variety of styles to suit different needs and preferences. Two of the most well-known styles are Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga. This article aims to provide a thorough comparison of these two styles, helping readers understand their differences, benefits, and which might be best suited for their individual goals...

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18 June 2024
A Beginner’s Guide to Hatha Yoga: Everything You Need to Know

Hatha Yoga is a popular and accessible form of yoga that is perfect for beginners. This guide will help you understand the basics of Hatha Yoga, including its history, core principles, benefits, essential poses, and tips for starting your practice. Whether you are new to yoga or looking to deepen your knowledge, this article will....

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14 June 2024
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Downward Dog

The Downward Dog Stretch, known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, is a fundamental pose in yoga that offers numerous benefits for the body and mind. However, achieving the full benefits of this pose requires proper form and technique. This article highlights five common mistakes people make while performing the Downward Dog...

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15 June 2024
How to Do Downward Dog Stretch - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The Downward Dog Stretch, known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, is one of the most recognized and widely practiced poses in yoga. This essential pose forms the foundation of many yoga sequences and offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to perform the Downward Dog Stretch, its benefits, and tips to improve your practice.

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27 Mar 2024
How to Start Teaching Yoga Classes: Learn from a Certified Yoga Teacher

Embarking on the journey of teaching yoga is both rewarding and fulfilling. As a certified yoga teacher myself, I understand the excitement and apprehension that comes with starting this path. In this guide, I'll walk you through the essential steps to kickstart your career as a yoga instructor, drawing from my own experiences and insights gained from teaching yoga.

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12 Mar 2024
What Is a Yoga Teacher Training Certification?

A yoga teacher training certification is a fundamental training program completed by aspiring yoga teachers, typically consisting of a minimum of 200 training hours, as outlined by the Yoga Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining high standards in the yoga community to ensure safe and accessible yoga classes.

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20 Feb 2024
Exploring the Health Benefits of Legs Up the Wall Pose

In the realm of yoga, the Legs Up the Wall Pose, or Viparita Karani, stands out as a simple yet highly beneficial posture. This gentle inversion involves lying on the back with the legs extended vertically against a wall. While it may appear straightforward, the pose offers a range of health benefits that extend beyond the physical. In this blog, we will delve into six key advantages of incorporating Legs Up the Wall Pose into your regular yoga practice.

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11 Feb 2024
Mastering Balance: 6 Standing Yoga Poses for Stability and Strength

In the journey of self-discovery through yoga, the quest for balance plays a pivotal role. Standing yoga poses, known for their ability to enhance stability, strength, and focus, form an integral part of any well-rounded practice. This blog will explore six standing yoga poses that not only challenge your physical equilibrium but also cultivate mental steadiness. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or a novice, these poses offer a pathway to improving your balance and overall well-being.

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09 Dec 2024
How Can I Become an International Yoga Teacher in India?

The practice of yoga has gained worldwide popularity for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. For those passionate about sharing the transformative power of yoga on a global scale, becoming an international yoga teacher in India can be a fulfilling journey. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps and considerations involved in pursuing this path.

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15 Dec 2023
How To Be More Fit & Balanced With Yoga

Achieving both physical and mental fitness necessitates regular engagement in learning and practicing yoga. Through consistent yoga practice, you can enhance your flexibility, balance, and strength, leading to improved physical and mental well-being. This blog aims to provide guidance on incorporating yoga into your routine to foster greater fitness and balance in your life.

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02 Dec 2023
Benefits of Yoga For: Men Women and Kids

Yoga is an ancient practice that has gained immense popularity in the modern world for its holistic approach to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Originating in ancient India, yoga is now embraced by people of all ages and backgrounds. Its benefits extend beyond flexibility and relaxation, making it suitable for men, women, and even children.

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16 Nov 2023
Adolescence to Adulthood: Nurturing a Woman's Well-being Through Yoga

As women journey from adolescence to adulthood, their bodies undergo numerous transformations. These changes often bring emotional and mental fluctuations, heightened stress due to personal and professional responsibilities, and a toll on their physical health. Common challenges include menstrual issues, gynecological disorders, stress-related ailments, and physical discomfort.

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20 Oct 2023
7 Yoga Poses for Healthy Weight Gain

In today's world, the prevailing trend revolves around weight loss, which is undoubtedly beneficial for many. However, it's essential to remember that not everyone faces the challenge of shedding pounds. Some individuals struggle with being underweight, often due to genetics or fast metabolism, while others may be dealing with underlying health conditions.

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05 Oct 2023
What is Laughter Yoga and How can it help you?

Laughter Yoga is a unique and relatively modern exercise and wellness practice that combines laughter with yogic deep breathing techniques. The concept behind Laughter Yoga is that intentional laughter, even if initially simulated or forced, can lead to real physiological and psychological benefits similar to spontaneous laughter.

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25 Sep 2023
What is the difference between Hatha Yoga & Power Yoga?

Yoga has been practiced for centuries as a means of promoting physical and mental well-being. Over the years, the practice has evolved into many different forms, each with its own benefits and goals. Two popular forms of yoga are hatha yoga and power yoga. While both share some similarities, they differ in terms of intensity, structure, and goals. In this blog, we will explore the difference between hatha yoga and power yoga.

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01 Sep 2023
Benefits of Yoga and Meditation Practice

Yoga and meditation are ancient practices that have been around for thousands of years. They were developed in India as a way to promote physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. Today, yoga and meditation are practiced all over the world and are becoming increasingly popular as people seek ways to improve their health and manage stress.

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15 Aug 2023
7 Simple Yoga Asanas That Will Help Increase Your Height?

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve physical and mental health. One of the benefits of practicing yoga is that it can help increase your height. While there is no guaranteed way to increase your height, practicing certain yoga asanas regularly can help improve your posture, stretch your spine, and increase your overall flexibility. In this blog post, we will explore ten simple yoga asanas that can help increase your height.

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01 July 2023
Yoga and Pranayama for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

Yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) can be beneficial for managing high blood pressure or hypertension. They promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall cardiovascular health. However, it's important to note that these practices should be used as a complementary approach and should not replace medical advice or prescribed medication.

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22 May 2023
What are benefits to doing yoga before sleeping at night?

Yoga has become a popular way for people to stay fit, healthy, and relieve stress. While many people practice yoga during the day or in the morning, practicing yoga before bed has been shown to have significant benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of doing yoga before sleeping at night.

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10 May 2023
How to Become A Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance?

200 Hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh India is taught by an experienced and best-certified yoga teachers team from Rishikesh, who provide personalized attention to each student. The curriculum includes in-depth knowledge of traditional Hatha yoga and Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, asana body alignment and adjustment techniques, yogic anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy, teaching methodology, mantra, pranayama, and ethics for yoga teachers.

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10 Effective Yoga Asanas to Treat PCOS
10 Apr 2023
10 Effective Yoga Asanas to Treat PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It is a common health condition that can lead to many complications such as infertility, insulin resistance, obesity, and acne. Yoga is an effective tool to manage the symptoms of PCOS and improve overall health. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 effective yoga asanas to treat PCOS.

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Yoga for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started
07 Mar 2023
Yoga for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started

Yoga is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and has proven to be a beneficial form of physical and mental exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you are new to yoga or have been considering trying it for a while, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started.

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5 Reasons Why India is the Best Place to Do Your Yoga Teacher Training
17 Mar 2023
Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga can be a great addition to a weight loss routine. By incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you can not only burn calories but also improve your overall health and well-being. One of the key ways yoga can help with weight loss is by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

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5 Reasons Why India is the Best Place to Do Your Yoga Teacher Training
12 Feb 2023
5 Reasons Why India is the Best Place to Do Your Yoga Teacher Training

India is the birthplace of Yoga. The practice of Yoga has deep roots in Indian culture and tradition, and studying Yoga in India allows you to immerse yourself in this ancient wisdom and culture. This includes exposure to a diverse range of Yoga styles and traditions, as well as the opportunity to learn from experienced and knowledgeable Yoga teachers..

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Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
06 Feb 2023
Why Rishikesh Is Called The Yoga Capital Of The World

Rishikesh is called the "Yoga Capital of the World" because it is a center for yoga and spirituality, with a long history of yoga and a thriving yoga community. It is a popular destination for tourists and spiritual seekers looking to study and practice yoga, and it is known for its peaceful and serene atmosphere and natural beauty.

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Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
06 Jab 2023
Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) This asana is so called because it emulates the stretching movement made by a tiger. A tiger, as well as various other animals, stretches its limbs generously and indulgently in a similar manner to the movements of the asana, especially after awakening from deep sleep.

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Uttanpadasana (Raised Legs Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
25 Nov 2022
Uttanpadasana (Raised Legs Pose) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Uttanpadasana (Raised Legs Pose) The Sanskrit word utthan means 'raised' and pada means 'foot'. Hence the name of the asana. It is a useful asana to perform as it helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, remove wind and constipation.

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Ustrasana (Camal Pose)Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
05 Aug 2022
Ustrasana (Camal Pose)Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Ustrasana (Camal Pose) In truth we are not sure why this asana is called the camel pose. It is difficult to imagine. We can hazard a guess and say that it is because the thighs, trunk and head resemble the neck of a camel. Ushtrasana is a reasonably simple asana which gives a wonderful stretch to the thighs, abdomen, ribcage and throat. Technique Place a blanket on the floor.

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Shashank Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
25 July 2022
Shashank Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Shashank Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose) this is an excellent asana combining both shashankasana and bhujangasana to give a smooth and pleasant movement. In this way, it combines the benefits of a backward bending asana (bhujangasana) with a forward bending asana (shashankasana)

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Sarpasna (Snake Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
20 July 2022
Sarpasna (Snake Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Sarpasana (Snake Pose) This is a wonderful asana for the heart and lungs as well as the back. Technique Place a blanket on the floor. Lie flat on your stomach (prone position). Fold your arms behind your back clasping the wrist of one hand with the fingers of the other hand.

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Meru Vakrasana (Spinal Twist) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
10 July 2022
Meru Vakrasana (Spinal Twist) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Meru Vakrasana (Spinal Twist) An important though a small group of asanas is those that twist the spine. Meru Vajrayana is one of the simplest of this group. It supplements the backward and forward bending asanas that we have already described.

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Marjari Asana (Cat Stretch Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
02 July 2022
Marjari Asana (Cat Stretch Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Watch a cat closely and you will see that it periodically stretches its spine upwards and downwards. This asana imitates this action, and though it is very simple it is very useful in ensuring the best possible health of the practitioner. A cat yawns at the same time; you can do the same if you wish, but it is not a traditional part of the asana.

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Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions
25 June 2022
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Bhujangasana(COBRA POSE) Bhujangasana emulates the action of the cobra raising itself just prior to striking at its prey. We have already discussed Ardha Bhujangasana, which is the preparatory pose for mastering bhujangasana.

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Stress Everywhere: Yoga and Meditation-The Stress Reduction Tool
10 June 2022
Stress Everywhere: Yoga and Meditation-The Stress Reduction Tool

Have you ever caught yourself or any other person worrying about things that you or he cannot do anything about or worrying for no reason at all? Then you or that other person can be in trouble with Stress!

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Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps
01 June 2022
Yoga Nidra - Self Exploration

Yoga Nidra is an ancient technique of self-exploration of inner growth through deep relaxation. The powerful self-hypnosis guides you deeper into your unconscious and helps to process unresolved emotions.

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Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps
26 May 2022
Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps

It is best to begin all sessions of yoga asanas with the Surya Namaskar. It is an excellent general warm up exercises. Surya Namaskar consists of 24 different spinal positions. The Sun Salutation gives a varied range of vertebral movements to the spine and also promotes flexibility in the limbs of the body.

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Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps
25 May 2022
Pranayama Breathing Techniques and Tips

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation. It’s a main component of yoga, an exercise for physical and mental wellness. In Sanskrit, “prana” means life energy and “yama” means control.

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The Different Schools of Yoga
1st Mar 2022
The Different Schools of Yoga

Throughout the ages, yoga masters who wanted to share their blissful way of living have run into many challenges. As humanity has progressed, so have the levels of stress and deviations from our natural way of living. Hence, yoga masters have invented new systems of yoga to attempt to counteract these. As yoga has developed throughout the ages, it has become increasingly diverse. However, it’s important to keep in mind the end goals of each are all the same: a blissful, meditative life

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What are The 5 Koshas in Yoga
16 Feb 2022
What are The 5 Koshas in Yoga


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11 Feb 2022

The eight steps of ASHTANGA YOGA This is the whole science of yoga in one sentence, in one seed. Many things are implied. First, understand the exact meaning of each step. And remember, Patanjali calls them steps and limbs - both. They are both.

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Qualities of a Good Yoga Teachers
10 Feb 2022
Qualities of a Good Yoga Teachers

Taking on the role of being a yoga teacher is a beautiful path in life. Traditionally, yoga was only taught directly from teacher to student. Preparing yourself to hold space for others is a significant responsibility, and requires sincere dedication.

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25 Nov 2021
How do I find the best Yoga Teacher for Yoga Teacher Training?

The importance of a teacher cannot be overemphasized. The teacher plays an important role in guiding the student. the teacher can share his or her experience to help you to avoid mistakes, pitfalls, and dead-end.

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13 Sep. 2021
What is Karma Yoga Life?

Slow life should be adopted in this fast-moving mad world. Lets we think about how to develop a slow life and healthy life. We remembered the old words saying “SLOW AND STEADY”....

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13 Jun. 2021
Yogic Life: The Art of Slow Life

Slow life should be adopted in this fast-moving mad world. Lets we think about how to develop a slow life and healthy life. We remembered the old words saying “SLOW AND STEADY”....

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01 Jun. 2020
Shavasana for Stress Management

Remember to relax the students at the beginning, end and during the Asanas as well. It is important for the students to relax for 5 – 10 minutes at the beginning of the class. Begin each class with at least 5 minutes of Savasana...

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19 May. 2020
Why we crave for junk food?

The digestive system is one of the most important systems in our body. It converts the food we take into the energy and provide nutrition for the whole body which essential for our survival and to be healthy lifestyle and not just for living.

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28 Apr. 2020
Respiratory System: Facts, Function and Diseases

In simple definition, the respiratory systems allows us breathing. Yes, without breathing we will die in 3 minutes. When we inhale, the air is going into the nose, passes through the mouth and finally enters the lungs.

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28 Apr. 2020
My 200 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Austin Michael Drake

Hello traveler of the World! I want to dedicate the following text to one, if not THE most beautiful teaching that my experience around the Globe brought me...

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11 Apr. 2020
Yoga for Depression in Young Human

Nowadays, statistics show an increasing number of people suffering from anxiety and depression. Furthermore, it reaches younger and younger adults. Why is modern western civilization...

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10 Apr. 2020
How Yoga can reduce Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is a sensation created by the translation of the information in the brain. The reason anxiety is felt comes from information that is processed by thinking in a specific pattern...

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10 Mar. 2020
Yoga for corporation and office workers

Take some motivation with you! Its time to enjoy the benefits of yoga in your professional environment, and more specifically office work, where you can now easily and daily apply yoga...

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21 Feb. 2020
How Yoga Improves Memory

As life expectancy continues to increase, older population quality of life is receiving more attention. Ageing process goes along with abilities, such as struggling with everyday tasks, memory loss, difficulty with words or numbers, or...

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24 Nov. 2019
What Are the 7 Chakras?: A Beginner’s Guide To Awakening Your Seven Chakras

Chakras a physic centre of the body that are active all the time. It describes specific energy locations in the body/mind/spirit. These places where finer energy infuses matter contain the keys to our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing...

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Why Choose Om Shanti Om for 200 hours Yoga Training Course in India?
12 Oct. 2019
Why Choose Om Shanti Om for 200 hours Yoga Training Course in India?

Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram located in Yoga Capital, Rishikesh, India, is one of the classical and oldest Yoga School in this World Capital of Yoga. This Yoga School organizing Yoga Courses for the last 10 years from short term course to advance levels such as 100 hours, 200 hours, 300 hours and 500 hours.

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09 Sep. 2019
How our digestive system works

The digestive system is one of the most important systems in our body. It converts the food we take into the energy and provide nutrition for the whole body. Digestion starts in the mouth (chewing) and ends with the whole body. Digestion starts in the mouth (chewing) and ends with the anus (evacuating waste)...

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01 Jul. 2019
Baddha Padmasana (Lotus Posture) Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

This asana is known as Padmasana or Kamalasana. There are some yogic texts which use the terms interchangeably. POSTURE Sit on the ground with the heel of the left foot resting on the right thigh so as to be as close as possible to the navel.

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12 Feb. 2019
Savasana (CORPSE POSE) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Remember to relax the students at the beginning, end and during the Asanas as well. It is important for the students to relax for 5 – 10 minutes at the beginning of the class. Begin each class with at least 5 minutes of Savasana...

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10 Mar. 2019
Gomukhasana (Cow Head Posture) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Sit on the ground with the left leg bent so that the heel touches the anus. The right leg also should be bent so that the right heel touches the left buttock. Care should be taken that the left foot remains straight touching the ground and the toes...

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01 Jan. 2019
Kunjapuri Temple - A Spiritual Sunrise View Tour

Kunjapuri Temple is situated on the top of the hill Kunjapuri 1,676m high, 7km away from Narendra Nagar, around 31km from Rishikesh and 93km from Devaprayag (Confluence of 2 river...

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