Marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, India


Ayurveda Marma is the vital areas of the body. The word Marma comes from Sanskrit's origin word ‘MRI’ meaning death. The Sanskrit phrase, ‘Marayate It Marmani’, also means death or serious damage to body or health after infliction to the point of their situation. Hence these areas are called Marma. In the ‘Siddha’ system of medicine, they are called ‘Varma’. Marma in Sanskrit means hidden or secret. By definition, a Marma point is a junction on the body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones, or joints. During ancient times, knowledge of Marma was known to kings and warriors. It was applied in battlefields to hit and achieve the maximum lethal effect on enemies. This science was used both in warfare and surgery. From common ailments to serious neuromuscular diseases, all can be treated by Marma therapy. Common ailments like headache, body ache, faulty spinal alignment, pain in the joints can be rejuvenated through Marma Chikitsa, which involves Swedana, Abhyanga, Pizhichil, and Kizhi (bolus) treatment. Kizhi treatment is a therapy wherein herbs are slightly fried, wrapped in the muslin cloth and tied to make a bolus, heated in medicinal oils in a frying pan, and placed on the area to be treated.
This is followed by a specific massage using fingers, heel, or palm. The pressure application varies according to the nature of ailment and the point of application. Sushruta Samhita describes 107 Marma points in the body. In Tamil traditions, 108 Marma points are enumerated and in Kalari tradition of Kerala 365 Marma points are in practice. Major marma points correspond to seven Chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the trunk and limbs. The points cover both the front and back of the body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th Marma.) Each has its own name based on their anatomical position. The human body needs Shodhana (revitalization) in order to perform its function normally and efficiently. In the Ayurvedic system, especially in Kerala, Marma massage is performed as a routine in preventive medicine. A professional therapist isolates Marma points and tones them by increasing blood flow to the affected part of the neuromuscular junction. They also aim to tone the surrounding muscles.

Marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, India

Sushruta Samhita describes 107 Marma points in the body. In Tamil traditions, 108 Marma points are enumerated and in Kalari tradition of Kerala 365 Marma points are in practice. Major marma points correspond to seven Chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the trunk and limbs. The points cover both the front and back of the body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th Marma.) Each has its own name based on their anatomical position. The human body needs Shodhana (revitalization) in order to perform its function normally and efficiently. In the Ayurvedic system, especially in Kerala, Marma massage is performed as a routine in preventive medicine. A professional therapist isolates Marma points and tones them by increasing blood flow to the affected part of the neuromuscular junction. They also aim to tone the surrounding muscles.

Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, India
200 hrs-yoga-teacher-training-in-India

M. E. Kannan Ji (Anatomy & Physiology Teacher)

M. E. Kannan Ji who is well knowledgeable in Anatomy and Physiology, proud to say that he is originally from South India, Tamil Nadu. He has spent the past 8 years in practicing and teaching Ayurveda & Varma/Marma Therapy and Acupuncture techniques which he gathered from traditional practitioners of Tamil Nadu & Kerala. He teaches Anatomy and Physiology in such a way that, it combines modern anatomy with yogic principles to live an independent healthy life. He is also mastered in Classical Indian Martial Arts "Kalaripayattu" which is very ancient and dynamic form of yoga which is famous in Kerala, India.
Kanna had studied about this Ancient Arts of Marma points and Acupunture or Acupressure from several prominent gurus from South India by theory and practically. He is a traditional Physician who can also treats patients with particular ailments such as disorders in nervous systems, circulatory, reproductive system, asthma, stress sickness, head-ache, back pain, acupunture, spinal problems, joints problem etc.

Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in India - Daily Schedule

Marma Therapy Course schedule is designed in very balanced way and comprehensive way that it keeps the student in contemplation of the subject throughout the day and also some the personal time. The schedule is the best integration of theory and practice of Marma points. The course involves other co-related classes – Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. The daily schedule of the course as follows:

Schedule 5:30 AM To 12:30 PM

Early to bed and early to rise, keep your body and mind healthy and wise as well as cultivating yogic discipline. Wake up early, with taking shower and morning ginger lemon tea is served to provide energy for the day!

Beginning the day with Mantra Chanting by surrendering to God the first thing we have to do. Chanting Mantra for spiritual awakening and calming the mind towards creating positivity for the rest of the day. Each day, waking up is already a gift!

The word "Prana" stands for life force and this is believed to be the vital energy that enliven the body. This also serves as the link between the physical observance and the mind. ... Once the breath is still, your mind faculty is shut down.
The Meditation class in the morning - helps to bring complete relaxation, for the rest of the day. Every day different way of Meditation techniques are taught such as sitting, standing, dancing, sleeping – Silence, Candle, Osho dynamic, Yoga Nidra, Mantra Chanting and Chakra Meditation.

The most important Marma theory class begins with Ayurveda and Marma definition, the 5 elements, tri-doshas, the Nadis, body parts and their specific 107 Marma points. The study about the points and stimulation of the body function.Marma Therapy class practically is an important part to begin the Marma, knowing the purpose, about health issue, about ailments in body, about psychological issues, stimulation in body organs and most of all balancing physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually

Enjoy the brunch (breakfast & lunch) with delicious Indian style meals with daily fruits, cereals, breads, and Indian breakfast as well. Indian vegetarian meals from our kitchen, with rice, local vegetables, lentils, salads.

Schedule 12:30 PM To 9:00 PM

Yoga Anatomy is one of important subject to learn about the function of the body, to understand our body and how to utilize it in right way. The subject begins with Digestive System to know what we eat to survive, the Respiratory system to expand our pranic level and Muscular System to perform the asanas with benefits. During the third week, Ayurveda class by Dr Ayurveda, learning about the types of body(doshas), the characteristic, diet, cleansing, daily routine, fasting and finally how to correct our problems in body naturally. Ayurveda says prevention from disease is better than cure.

Hands – on – training about the Marma points during the 2nd week.

The evening Yoga class, Hatha Flow Vinyasa postures gradually for more stimulation of the nervous systems, improve blood circulation, functioning of body organs and sweating, detoxify and refreshing.

The Meditation class by end of the day - helps to bring complete relaxation, after all day of classes. In every day and week different way of Meditation techniques are taught such as sitting, standing, dancing, sleeping – Silence, Candle, Osho dynamic, Yoga Nidra, Mantra Chanting and Chakra Meditation.

Students may take a walk, or own leisure time after dinner and however please back to your room by 9.00pm the latest – it’s the bedtime now – as early to bed helps early to rise.

Note: -Schedule will be change according the weather

Marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, India: Upcoming Course Date

Course Date Course Fees
(Only Course)
Course Fees
(With Food & Shared Room)
Course Fees
(With Food & Private Room)
(For A/C Room) Registration
04th Aug to 18th Aug 2024 500 USD 550 USD 700 USD -
01st Sep to 14tn Sep 2024 500 USD 550 USD 700 USD -
01st Oct to 14tn Oct 2024 500 USD 550 USD 700 USD -
03rd Nov to 17tn Nov 2024 500 USD 550 USD 700 USD -
01st Dec to 14tn Dec 2024 500 USD 550 USD 700 USD -

Note: Special discount USD 100 for early booking 3 months in advance,
for package with Food & Accommodation only.

History Of Marma Massage


Ayurveda Marma-point massage dates back to southern India year 1500 BC. Masters of Kalari, an ancient martial art, first discovered the power of Marma points. In battle, Kalari fighters targeted an opponent's Marma point as a way to inflict pain and injury. According to Kalari lore, people have 12 Marma points that, when hit with a knockout blow, can cause instant death. These areas were so important that soldiers even use armor to protect their horses' Marma points while riding into battle. Wounded Kalari fighters were nursed back to health with Marma therapy. Practitioners used Marma-point massage to stimulate healing in areas that corresponded to the injuries. For a blow to intestines, for example, the Marma point on the back of the calf, which corresponds with the transverse part of the large intestine, is massaged to trigger the flow of energy to induce healing. Ayurvedic physicians, all over India learned the importance of this art and hired Kalari masters in hospitals to teach. Soon, Marma-point training became mandatory for surgeons, who worked around specific points to prevent risk to life. Today marma-point massage is still a respected component of Ayurvedic healing.

Role of Marma Therapy - There are four basic purposes of Therapy:


It removes blocks in energy channels called shortages. It pacifies Vata dosha, (air and space elements ), bringing it to its normal path— especially Vyana Vata, (a sub-dosha which controls the autonomic nervous system.) It creates physical, mental, and emotional flexibility. Because of ama (toxins) and because of Vata, human beings after 35 or 40 years of age become rigid — and this happens to animals and plants as well. As Vata increases in the body, it leads to degeneration. This rigidity means becoming fixed in ideas, emotions, and physical movements. This gentle treatment creates an opportunity to experience a powerful and dynamic transformation at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels by building a positive link with the unconscious mind. Many a time, people are not able to go outside their ‘comfort zone’. They think they have absolute limitations. After Marma is done, they can start taking positive risks.

Therapeutic Value Of Marma

Muscular and joint pain froze jointsMuscular train respiratory conditions digestions and elimination problems Nervous system disorders headaches and migrainesGeneral aging problem glandular issues anxiety and depression stress response, fears, and phobiasConfusion, memory loss, and mental focusLow energy and fatigueBreaking through limited belief systems.

Diseases Curable & Manageable By Marma Chikitsa

To name a few diseases in which Marma Chikitsa is highly appreciated in giving cure are : Paralysis Sciatic, pain MigraineTremors Diabetic, Neuropa thy Muscular twitching & crampsTrigeminal NeuralgiaFacial or Bell's palsy Urinary incontinence Lumbar Spondylitis Lumbar Spondylolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse) Cervical Spondylitis Cervical Spondylolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse)Frozen shoulder (Periarthritis)Carpal tunnel syndrome muscular and joint pain Frozen joints Muscular strain Respiratory conditions Digestion and elimination problems Marma Chikitsa is an important aspect of Ayurvedic treatment where the application of pressure on these Marma points induces the flow of vital energy (prana) along with a complex system of subtle channels called (Nadis). Based on the knowledge enumerated in Dhanurveda ( dealing with knowledge of bow and arrow fights), 107 therapeutic Marma points are recognized by Ayurveda. The injury to some of these lethal Marma points can lead to instant death. Massage is widely applied in the treatment of Marmas.

Marma Massage Today

In summary, stimulating or massaging Marma points gives benefits to the area of the location and improves the function of the connecting organs. The Marma massage is approximate of 60 to 90 minutes of duration, followed by a steam bath or warm shower. Given above is only a brief outline of Marma massage. Ideally, Marma massage should be performed by experienced therapists, in consultation with a qualified ayurvedic physician. The Marma massage can be used as a part of a rejuvenation therapy or it could be used as a preventive measure from unwanted conditions. Either way, Marma massage is really useful to help improve or maintain a healthy balance. Thus healing through Marma abhyanga affects the chakras, Physical health, and doshas. The purpose of Marma Abhayangam is to stimulate the various body organs and systems. Marma therapy focuses on energizing the body to relieve occupational illness and stress-related diseases. Often, it helps the couples to re-establish harmony in marital life. Here, Kalari master is the spiritual Guru, Counsellor, and physiotherapist all rolled into one. Marma Chikitsa (therapeutic treatment) is an offshoot of Kalaripayattu; Kerala's martial art.
