Here at Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram, we offer the top Teacher Training course of 500 hours, which is recognized by the official Yoga Alliance.
This 500 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course is taught in our homely School in the heart of Rishikesh, India.
The course is 2 full months of extensive learning in all areas within the ancient practice of Yoga. There will be no stone left unturned in regards to your lessons taught by our incredible Yogis and Philosophers. Any questions you have that may remain will be openly answered before or after each and every class here at Om Shanti Om.
The course has been carefully planned by our team of outstanding teachers, who have put their full commitment towards the Yogic life.
This is the utmost important course for students keen to dedicate their lives to training and practicing Yoga for the foreseeable future and further!
If two whole months is too much time at once to step away from your current routine or career then that is not a problem. You can complete the first 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course of covering all the root principles of yoga in a single month and then return at a further date within the year to complete the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training course of taking the physical practices and teachings to a more in-depth level for a second month.
You will be presented with all of the skills and knowledge needed to become a rounded, professional and spiritually connected Yoga teacher. During this special time with us at the School, we will do our best to support you in reaching feelings of inner peace, tranquility, and joy that will remain with you for life.
Our amazing teachers will make sure you’re closely guided each and every step of the way in the two months you spend with us.
In the first 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, we will help to build your knowledge and understanding of all the theoretical, practical and philosophical aspects of Yoga from the foundations up.
The next 300 hours of Yoga Teacher Training will take this to a more advanced level, teaching and presenting you with all the major fundamentals of various yoga styles. Completing this 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course together over two consecutive months will give you the advantage of consistency and continuity in your learning path, which will be sure to lead to success both professionally as a newly qualified yoga teacher and as a spiritually enlightened being, full of inner peace, serenity and happiness like you’ve never experienced before.
Time, effort and consistent practice of what is being taught, will bring you to where you want to be.
Come and connect with your inner self, in a peaceful, love-filled environment at Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram in tranquil Rishikesh!
According to Patanjaliasanas means,’’sthira sukham asanam’’ i.e’’ that position which is comfortable and steady’’.Asana is that state of body in which it may be kept easily. As a matter of fact, the ability to sit comfortably for an extended period of time in any position is called asana. Yoga asana gives fundamental skills of keeping our body fit and healthy
Sitting Postures / Meditative Postures | Baddha Padmasana | Dhyana Veerasana |
Moolabandhasana | Eka / Dwi Pada Sirasana | Poorna Titali Asana |
Standing Postures | Trikonasana (Variation 1 – 4 ) | Utkatasana |
Veerbadhrasana (Variation 1, 2) | Balancing Postures | Palm Balancing |
Saral Natarajasana | Vatayanasana | Uttitha Hasta Padangusthasana |
Eka Padasana | Eka Pada Pranamasana | Vriskshasana |
Garudasana | Baka Dhyanasana | Eka Pada Baka Dhyanasana |
Garbhasana | Lolasana | Kukkutasana |
Merudandasana | Dwi Hasta Bhujasana | Santolanasana |
Vashisthasana | Mayurasana | Padma Mayurasana |
Inverted Postures | Sirshasana | Sarvangasana |
Padma Sarvangasana | Halasana | Vipareeta Karani Asana |
Twisting Postures | Ardha Matyendrasana | Astha Vakrasana |
Supta Udarakarshanasana | Meru Wakrasana | Parivritti Janu Sirshasana | Forward Bend Postures | Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana | Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana |
Yoga Mudhrasana | Saithalyasana | Padahastanasana |
Koormasana | Supta Pawanmuktasana | Back Bend Postures |
Saral Bhujangasana | Tiryaka Bhujangasana | Saral Dharunasana |
Dhanurasana | Shalabasana | Supta Vajrasana |
Ustrasana | Setuasana | Vrischikasana |
Sarpasana | Ardha Shalabhasana | Poorna Shalabhasana |
Kandharasana | Ardha Chandrasana | Dynamic Postures |
Pawanmuktasana | Marjariasana | Surya Namaskar |
Chandra Namaskar | Vyaghrasana | Astavakrasana |
Hanumanasana | Relaxing Postures | Balasana |
Savasana | Makarasana | Shashankasana |
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word meaning "extension of the praa or breath" or "extension of the life force". The word is composed of two Sanskrit words: prana, life force, or noted particularly as the breath), and ayma, to extend or draw out. (Not "restrain, or control" as is often translated from yam instead of ayama). It is a yogic discipline with origins in ancient India. Pranayama is traditionally viewed as a practice involving a lot more than just breathing for relaxation. It is a term having a broad range of meanings and connotations Pranayama is the foundation for our body because it refreshes our breathing system and makes fit our respiratory system. It is a term having a broad range of meanings and connotations. The sage Patanjali, in yoga sutras, defines pranayama as regulation of incoming and outgoing breath coupled with retention. The practice of pranayama is crucial for preparing your body and mind for meditation. Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program includes the theory and practice of the essential methods of pranayama.
Introduction of Pranayama | Natural Breathing | Abdominal Breathing |
Chest Breathing or Thoracic Breathing | Clavicular Breathing | Yogic Breathing or Deep Breathing |
Nadi Shodhana with inner & outer retention and Jalandar Bandha | Anuloma Viloma | Bhastrika |
Kapalbhati | Shitali | Shitkari |
Surya Bedhi & Chandra Bedhi | Purak Kumbhak Rechak | Ujjayi |
Kakimudhra | Bahya Pranayama | Karna Rogaanta Pranayama |
BENEFITS OF PRANAYAM | Breathing techniques to improve respiratory functioning | Which in turn improves the functioning of all the systems |
Natural breath – slow, rhythmic and diaphragmatic | Breath regulation for stress-related problems | Importance of Kumbhak/breath retention and its applications |
Despite all its popularity, today very few of us truly know what meditation is. Some regard meditation is the mental concentration on something; others consider that we meditate when we imagine something that gives us peace or satisfaction. All these methods are being with one goal to slow down and, eventually, completely stop the incessant activity of our minds. These exercises are not really meditation they are substitutes for meditation because it is normally very difficult to stop your mind altogether. In reality, meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness. The real meaning of meditation is transforming our mind. By engaging in a particular meditation practice you learn the patterns and habits of your mind, and the practice offers a means to cultivate new, more positive ways of being. With regular work and patience, these nourishing, focused states of mind can deepen into profoundly, peaceful and energized states of mind. Our approach to the practice of asana will facilitate the experience of meditation, both in your asana practice and during seated meditation at the end of each day.
Introduction of Meditation | OM Meditation | Mantra Chanting Meditation |
Soham Meditation | Shiva Meditation | Yoga Nidra Meditation |
Tratak (Candle) Meditation | Chakra Meditation | Buddha Meditation (Vipassna) |
Inner Light Meditation | Prana Meditation | Kundalini Meditation |
BENEFITS OF MEDITATION | Self-observation many levels either guided or by self | Learning the skill of how to guide students |
The connection between breath and meditative state | Yogendra from beginners to advance level |
The word mantra is a Sanskrit word which came from two words man means mind and antra means inner. The mantra chanting will help you to reduce your all the stress level. Chanting helps us to change our thoughts and behavior. In our 200 hour YTTC, we give a selective mantra which student can practice themselves and as well as they can teach their students.
Ganesha Mantra -Vakratunda Mahakaya | Shiva Mantra – Karpoora Gauram | Santhosham Santhi Mantra |
Mangalam Mantra | Samarpanam Mantra | Twameva Sarvam Mantra |
Om Mantra | Vaidika Shanthi Mantra (Dyoho Santhir Antararikagum) | Kirthana |
The main philosophy of yoga is simple: mind, body and spirit are all one and cannot be clearly separated. Yet there is a multitude of philosophical ideas developed by looking into the deeper dimensions of the body, mind and spirit. Yoga is a set of spiritual practices but in itself is not an institutionalized religion, per se. Hinduism is related to yoga through a common recognition of the Vedas as an authoritative source, and both Buddhism and Jainism share many of the core values of the yoga tradition. But classical yoga is best understood as a system of spiritual practice, rather than a particular religion.
Why is Yoga? | Historic tradition of Yoga | Shiva and Shakti concept |
Yoga Sutra | i. The four path of Yoga Sutra | ii. The discipline of life |
Bhagavad Gita | i. Introduction and Meditation | ii. Sthita and Prajna |
iv. Path of Devotion and Royal Path | v. The Profound Knowledge of Three Gunas | vi. The Knowledge of Field |
Samkhya | i. Introduction to Samkhya | ii. Cause of Pain and Way of Self-realization |
iii. Karma and Sanskara | iv. Stages of consciousness | Tantra |
i. Introduction of Tantra | ii. Vijnana Bhairava Tantra | Kundalini Yoga |
i. The Art of Kundalini Yoga | ii. The Kundalini Yoga works with Kundalini Energy | Yogi and Rishi and Avatar concept |
The concept of mind, senses and soul |
Mudra can be described psychic, emotional gesture. It is a combination of subtle physical movements which influence our mind, pranic body, internal organ and concentration. There are hand mudra, body mudra, facial mudra thus Hand Mudra is most famous. When the Mudras is practiced at the highest level, it leads to awakening the Prana, Chakra, Kundalini which can bestow specific powers. Mudra manipulates Prana and eventually our Nadi and Chakra.
Introduction of Mudra | Yoni Mudra | Apana Mudra |
Maha Bandha | Yoga Mudhra | Nasagra Mudhra |
Gyana Mudhra | Hridaya Mudhra | Bhairava Mudhra |
Jnana Mudhra | Prana Mudhra | Singha Mudhra |
It is a term for the body locks in Hatha yoga, treated under the heading of mudra. Specific Bandhas are; Mula Bandha, contraction of the perineum, Uddiyana Bandha, contraction of the abdomen into the rib cage, Jalandhara Bandha, tucking the chin close to the chest, Maha Bandha, combining all three of the above Bandhas. Among these, I will give you a short description of the few important ones. You can select that which suits you well and practice regularly. A Cough, asthma, enlargement of spleen and liver, sex-sublimation, venereal diseases, consumption, chronic constipation, leprosy and all sorts of incurable diseases are also cured.
Introduction of Bandha | Moola Bandha | Uddiyana Bandha | Jalandhar Bandha |
Uddiyana Bandha | Jalandhar Bandha | alandhara Bandha | |
Maha Bandha |
Yoga Anatomy is a study of the Subtle currents of energy that moves through the layers of three bodies. The Ancient yogi held the view that we actually have three bodies; Physical, Astral and Causal. Asana practice is a way of imposing order on the human system and use the poses in a proper alignment. We don't live to do Yoga but we do yoga in a proper way and proper sequencing so that we may live a healthy life. Basically, Yoga Anatomy comprises of breathing excercises, muscular and skeletal adjustment as well as correcting improper body alignment. Yoga Anatomy is a valuable resource that allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light. This approach will lead you logically through a wealth of musculoskeletal anatomy, bring the academic discourse to life, and permit you to understand the body's architecture and work with its safety.
1. Respiratory Systems | i. Anatomy and respiratory of physiology system | ii. Effect of Yoga practices and physiology of Pranayama |
2. Skeleton Systems | i. Anatomy and biomechanics of joints | ii. Safe way of adjustments and modifications of asanas |
3. Cardiovascular Systems | i. Structure and physiology of heart and blood vessels | ii. Blood pressured and effect of yoga practices |
4. Digestive System | i. The work of Digestive System in the body | ii. How Digestion Effect Yoga |
5. Endocrine Systems | i. The works of the Glands in the body | ii. The Action of Hormones |
6. Nervous System and Plexus | i. The Nadis and Nerves | ii. The Function of Nervous Systems |
7. Muscular Systems | i. The Functions of Muscular & Skeletal System | ii. The Effect of Yoga and Muscular System |
iii. Muscular and Skeletal System effect the Posture of the Body |
Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional Hindu medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. Contemporary practices derived from Ayurvedic traditions are a type of alternative medicine. Ayurveda is a discipline of the upaveda or "auxiliary knowledge" in Vedic tradition. The origins of Ayurveda are also found in the Atharvaveda, which contains 114 hymns and incantations described as magical cures for disease. Since then Ayurveda has stood for the wholesome physical, mental and spiritual growth of humanity around the world. Today, it's a unique, indispensable branch of medicine, a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humours - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance.
The holistic health | The sub-doshas 1 | The sub-doshas 2 |
Fasting (colon cleansing) | Panchakarma 1 & 2 |
Kriya most commonly refers to a "completed action", technique or practice within a yoga discipline meant to achieve a specific result. Another meaning of kriya is an outward physical manifestation of awakened Kundalini, such as a spontaneous body movement related to kundalini energy flow. Kriya Shakti is "a power of thought", said to be greatly studied by yogis. The Purity of body encourages purity of the mind. Yoga has developed six cleansing techniques or shat kriyas for purification of the physical body. Through these simple exercises, nature is assisted in the elimination of waste products and mucus. Many mental and physical ailments may be alleviated through the practice of kriyas.
Jala Neti | Rubber Neti | Sutra Neti |
Nauli | Tratak | Bahya Kumbha |
Agnisara | Kunjal | Vastra Dauti |
Sankaprakchalan |
In our 200 YTTC, We help our student to see what is the right and wrong posture between the class and help them to get the right posture. And create the group to help each other to create a sequence of asanas for there teaching methodology.
Positive & conscious communication Friendship and trust | Time management | Qualities of a teacher |
Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting | Use of voice in class | Mental & emotional preparation for teaching |
Class preparation | Step by step class structure planning |
Yoga Teacher Training Course schedule is designed in very balanced way and comprehensive way that it keeps the student in contemplation of the subject throughout the day and also some the personal time. The schedule is the best integration of theory and practice of yoga. It also allows the student to stay energetic for all the classes. The daily schedule of the course as follows:
Schedule 5:30 AM To 12:30 PM
Early to bed and early to rise, keep your body and mind healthy and wise as well as cultivating yogic discipline. Wake up early, with taking shower, Self-kriya, Jal-Neti and later morning ginger lemon tea is served to provide energy for the day!
Beginning the day with Mantra Chanting by surrendering to God the first thing we have to do. Chanting Mantra for spiritual awakening and calming the mind towards creating positivity for the rest of the day. Each day, waking up is already a gift!
The word "Prana" stands for life force and this is believed to be the vital energy that enliven the body. This also serves as the link between the physical observance and the mind. ... Once the breath is still, your mind faculty is shut down.
The Meditation class in the morning - helps to bring complete relaxation, for the rest of the day. Every day different way of Meditation techniques are taught such as sitting, standing, dancing, sleeping – Silence, Candle, Osho dynamic, Yoga Nidra, Mantra Chanting and Chakra Meditation.
The most important practical class, begins with warming up, performing asanas sequence and finally relaxation and shavasana, finishing with chanting Mantra. Students feeling rejuvenated in the end of the class after 90 mins of practice. You will have the explanations of each posture and learn how to assist, how to teach postures, and why postures are important
Enjoy the brunch (breakfast & lunch) with delicious Indian style meals with daily fruits, cereals, breads, and Indian breakfast as well. Indian vegetarian meals from our kitchen, with rice, local vegetables, lentils, salads.
Yoga Philosophy is an important part to begin the yoga training, knowing the purpose Yoga Training Course, about self understanding, about suffering in life, about culture, Yoga Sutra and most of all discipline of life.
Schedule 12:30 PM To 9:00 PM
Yoga Anatomy is one of important subject to learn about the function of the body, to understand our body and how to utilize it in right way. The subject begins with Digestive System to know what we eat to survive, the Respiratory system to expand our pranic level and Muscular System to perform the asanas with benefits. During the third week, Ayurveda class by Dr Ayurveda, learning about the types of body(doshas), the characteristic, diet, cleansing, daily routine, fasting and finally how to correct our problems in body naturally. Ayurveda says prevention from disease is better than cure.
Organic herbal tea is served from our own farm, along with some light snacks as refreshment to boost energy to continue for next class. :).
Students are guided on how to optimize and adjust the poses, as well as some variations for the difficult poses by the use of blocks, bolster, belts, supporting wall, sand bags in order you can find the benefit and improve the postures more effectively. In the Teaching Methodology, teachers will guide you on how to perform/ conduct an efficient class from the beginning to the end especially for those who interested to be a good Yoga Teacher.
The evening Yoga class, will be in a little flow Vinyasa comprising some advance postures gradually added by third or fourth week to make you more sweats, detoxify, refreshed and more energized.
Indian traditional food served with chapati, dal, local veges and to avoid boredom of same cuisine,we will occasionally add Italian, Chinese food in the menu.
Students may take a walk, or own leisure time after dinner and however please back to Accommodation by 9.00pm the latest – it’s the bedtime now – as early to bed helps early to rise.
Note: - In the process of evaluation and certification, discipline is a key factor. Attending all classes is compulsory and with full attention and respect. Students are evaluated by assignment test by 3rd week, theory test 4th week and practicum test. Certification will be on the 55th day with cultural Closing Ceremony and Puja by taking blessings from our Guruji Swami Yogananda the founder who always stay in our memories.
The Schedule Time will be Change According the Session
Food plays a crucial role at various stages or journeys of life and one such journey is of becoming a yoga teacher. To be a real yogi, it is necessary to follow the right diet at the right time and so Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram strictly focuses on this aspect by providing the healthy and hygienic diet to our beloved yoga students. Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram provides 100% pure vegetarian yogic diet food. Participants will enjoy various kinds of Indian Vegetarian Cookings. All the food is cooked and served in ‘sattvic’ and ‘organic’ ways, as food is essential for the practice of yoga and a healthy way of life.
Read MoreThe menus are always varied, so you won't get tired of eating the same food. If you have special dietary requirements it's a good idea to communicate it to the organizer when making a reservation.
Experience the true yogic lifestyle at the divine location of our yoga School in Rishikesh. To be a good yogi, it is necessary to keep the mind healthy and clean and for this, our yoga School's accommodation plays a crucial role. Rishikesh is regarded as the spiritual location, with a tranquil atmosphere and beautiful sights that is far from the chaos of fast life. This region is known as the hub of yoga and in this beautiful location, we have our yoga School providing the gorgeous selected accommodation. We provide spacious Accommodations with stunning mountain, river views and furnished with comfortable beds, cupboards,
Read Morehot water bath Accommodations, and Wi-Fi, are in close proximity to shopping outlets for your personal needs as well as to shopping centers, grocery stores, and restaurants. The Hotel is located in a peaceful place close to nature at in the foot of the surrounding hills. All Accommodations are fully ventilated to open air and atmosphere. During winter in November to February - comfortable winter blankets are provided.
We assure - you will bring back home new knowledges, memorable and enjoyable experience with you.
"Job fills your pocket... Adventures fill your Soul...!"