Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps

Surya Namaskar - How to do Sun Salutation with Steps by Steps

It is best to begin all sessions of yoga asanas with the Surya Namaskar. It is an excellent general warm up exercises. Surya Namaskar consists of 24 different spinal positions. The Sun Salutation gives a varied range of vertebral movements to the spine and also promotes flexibility in the limbs of the body. Sun salutation activates the energy from one Chakra to another Chakra in this complete one round 24 postures. In the 24 postures, 12 postures on the Right Side increase the solar energy and another 12 postures on the Left Side increase lunar energy. These 24 postures represent 24 hours a day. The Sun Salutation uses hundreds of muscles and gives an initial stretch to the body in preparation for the asanas proper. It helps to regulate the breathing, focusing the mind and also recharges the solar plexus and stimulates the cardio-vascular systems. Traditionally, it should be practiced early in the morning facing the sun with empty stomach.

The Benefits of Surya Namaskara( Sun Salutation )

  • Yoga Teacher Training in India It strengthens the back and helps balance the metabolism.
  • Yoga Teacher Training in India It stimulates and balances all the systems of the body, including the reproductive, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Yoga Teacher Training in India It influences the endocrine glands and helps to balance the transition period between childhood and adolescence in growing children.
  • Yoga Teacher Training in India It also increased height by stretching muscles and ligaments, enabling growing bones to grow longer. Circulation is stimulated, especially in the upper spine between the shoulder blades.
  • Yoga Teacher Training in India Feel all cares and worries are gone and do not feel any identification with the body.
  • Yoga Teacher Training in India Lastly by synchronizing the breath with the physical movements of Surya Namaskara ensures that the practitioner, at least for a few minutes daily, breathes as deeply and rhythmically as possible, increasing mental clarity by bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to the brain.

Hasta Utthanasana (Raise Arm Pose)

Inhale and stretch your arms up with elbow straight over your head and arch your body backward. Both arms are alongside the ears. Head look up. Knees should straight.

  • Chakra: Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Ravaye Namaha
  • Benefits: It helps the stretch the abdomen and expansion of the lungs

Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)

Exhale and bend forward slowly bringing the hands to the floor next to the feet with your knees are straight. Make sure that the fingers and toes are in a straight line and the head is in towards the knees.

  • Chakra: Swadhisthana Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
  • Benefits: The pelvic region is concentrated here. Both legs thighs muscle, calves muscle more stretched and toned. Abdominal muscles are toned. Legs are fully straight and active. Bring awareness on the back of the body.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)

Then without moving your hands - Inhale – head up and stretch the right leg back as far as possible. Drop the right knee on the ground. Right toes down. Bend the left knee in front. Keep the arms straight. Finger tips touch the floor. Chest up and the head up should be tilted backward and slightly arch backward.
Look up - gaze upward in the eyebrow centre.

  • Chakra: Ajna Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Bhanave Namaha
  • Benefits: Physically gives good stretching in thigh muscles and through the lower back. You are balancing body while full concentration gazing at eyebrow centre. It helps to activating Ajna Chakra the concentration power the knowledge area.

Parvatasana (mountain pose)

Exhale and keep the hands and left foot still and take the right foot back beside the left foot. Raise the buttocks and lower the head between the arms so that the back and legs form two sides of a triangle. Heel down and straighten the legs and arms. Bring the head and shoulders towards the knees. Do not strain.

  • Chakra: Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
  • Benefits: This pose strengthens the nerves and muscles in the limbs and back. It helps to increase height by stretching muscles and ligaments, enabling growing bones to grow longer. It is more ideal for adolescent who has height problem.

Ashtanga Namaskar (salute with 8 parts of points)

Inhale and drop the knees straight down to the floor while keeping the hips up. Then bring the chest straight down to the floor between hands and elbows are bent. Bring forehead to the floor. Keep abdomen flat and tailbone downward. Remember, only knees, chest and forehead are on the ground and hips up.

  • Chakra: Manipura Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Pushne Namaha
  • Benefits: This asana makes the leg and arm muscles more strengthened. Good exercise for the spine between the shoulder blades. It relieves lower back too. Especially, tones abdominal muscle and concentrated the navel region.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Exhale as you slide body forward until the hips are on the ground. Keep the hands and feet in place. Arch the chest up and bring the head back while strengthening the elbows. Keep elbows side to side. This is called ‘cobra pose’. Do not move the hands. Elbows are slightly bent.
Relax your shoulders.

  • Chakra: Swadhisthana Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
  • Benefits: This asana gives relaxation to the spine. Ideal to practice when have spine and shoulder pain. It helps to open the chest while tones the pelvic and abdomen area.

Parvatasana (mountain pose)

Now inhale and assume from bhujangasana to parvatasana. Repeat the pose 5. Press arm fully and raise the buttocks up and lower the heels to the floor. Straighten the legs and arms.
Bring the head and shoulders towards the knees. Do not strain.

  • Chakra: Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Marichaye Namaha
  • Benefits: This pose strengthens the nerves and muscles in the limbs and back. It helps to increase height by stretching muscles and ligaments, enabling growing bones to grow longer. It is more ideal for adolescent who has height problem.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)

Exhale – head up and bring the left leg forward between the palms. Drop the right knee on the ground. Right toes down. Bend the left knee in front. Keep the arms straight. Finger tips touch the floor. Chest up and the head up should be tilted backward and slightly arch backward.
Look up - gaze upward in the eyebrow centre.

  • Chakra: Ajna Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Adityaya Namaha
  • Benefits: Physically gives good stretching in thigh muscles and through the lower back. You are balancing body while full concentration gazing at eyebrow centre. It helps to activating Ajna Chakra the concentration power the knowledge area.

Padahasthasana (hand to foot pose)

Inhale – bring the arms up above the head, keeping the arms and spine in one straight line. The arms should be separated. Then slowly bend backward the head, arms and upper trunk.

  • Chakra: Swadhisthana Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha
  • Benefits: Same as pose 3. The pelvic region is concentrated here. Both legs thighs muscle, calves muscle more stretched and toned. Abdominal muscles are toned. Legs are fully straight and active. Bring awareness on the back of the body.

Hasta Utthanasana (Raise Arm Pose)

Inhale as you slide body forward until the hips are on the ground. Do not move the hands. Elbows are slightly bent.
Relax your shoulders.

  • Chakra: Visuddhi Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha
  • Benefits: Same as pose 2. It helps the stretch the abdomen and expansion of the lungs.

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Exhale come back to standing position keep spine straight and palms together in the front of the chest.
Normal breath.
Repeat same the other side with the left leg back in pose 4 and complete 24 poses – one round Surya Namaskar.

  • Chakra: Anahata Chakra
  • Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
  • Benefits: Relax mind and body. Make preparation for the next round.

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